Are you and your significant other more like roommates than lovers?

Maybe this past year hasn’t been the best in your marriage, and you’re feeling frustrated and sad with your passionless marriage. Maybe you fight more than ever and feel like you are stuck in a total rut. No wonder! This past year has been super challenging on so many levels. You are not alone. 

Let’s switch up this year by bringing sexy back. If you aren’t happy in your marriage and are looking for a way to rekindle the connection and passion with your spouse, you need the Marriage Recharge: 30 Day Goddess Challenge. 

You'll feel a massive shift from this course, boosting your pleasure, joy and overall fulfillment with your love relationship and beyond.

What’s a Goddess Challenge?

In my book, Embrace the Beautiful Chaos of Motherhood: The Secret of Staying True to Yourself, the second half of the book is dedicated to reconnecting with your partner. One of the chapters is dedicated to Love and Sex and in there I share how I discovered my inner goddess during a 30-day challenge that I created.

I designed this course to share the most important lessons from my book, share my real-life experiences, and most of all to customize for my participants’ needs and interests. life-changing results.

Stephanie Pereira Author

This program is a self-paced course that offers an intimate environment to learn and explore the easiest ways to reconnect with your significant other. You’ll have access to videos that you can watch when most convenient for your busy schedule. Extremely user-friendly – the course is designed with time in between new lessons for application and time to catch up because life happens and it’s easier to stick with something without falling behind. 

On top of the flexibility to get the content when it's best for YOU, you'll have ongoing access to a private Facebook group so you can ask your questions in real-time with lots of support from Stephanie. There are scheduled monthly calls to dive deeper into the content and to help you stay on track with all of the lessons. 

We cover the 9 most common stressors in a love relationship in depth and HOW TO DEAL

  • Perception of our husbands

  • We think we are in control or need to be in control

  • Communication or lack thereof

  • Getting too caught up in the to-dos of our lives

  • We take ourselves too seriously

  • Lack of appreciation

  • Comparison

  • Feeling like we are in this all alone

  • Lack of love or not feeling “in love” anymore

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Marriage Recharge: What to Expect

    • Marriage Recharge Intro

    • Link for our private small group zoom calls

    • Marriage Recharge Baseline Quiz

  • 2

    Bonus Material!

    • RELEASE Activity

    • Loving Kindness Meditation

    • Guided Waterfall Meditation

  • 3

    Focus on You: Part One

    • Lesson 1: Be Easy with Yourself, Stubborn with Your Goals & Flexible with Your Methods

  • 4

    Focus on You: Part Two

    • Lesson 2: Focus on lack, Life-Changing Mommy Magic & Momentum

  • 5

    Focus on You: Part Three

    • Lesson 3: Gardens & Bank Accounts

  • 6

    Focus on You: Part Four

    • Lesson 4: Expectations = Unnecessary Stress & How to Notice Your Amazingness

  • 7

    Focus on You: Part Five

    • Lesson 5: Common Limiting Beliefs about Sex for Moms

  • 8

    Focus on You: Part Six

    • Lesson 6: Changing Beliefs & Knowing Emotions are Our Friends

  • 9

    Focus on Us: Part One

    • Lesson 7: Our Perception of Our Partners

  • 10

    Focus on Us: Part Two

    • Lesson 8: The Need to Control

  • 11

    Focus on Us: Part Three

    • Lesson 9: Communication

  • 12

    Focus on Us: Part Four

    • Lesson 10: Appreciation

  • 13

    Focus on Us: Part Five

    • Lesson 11: Too Caught Up in the To-Do's & Taking Ourselves Too Seriously

    • Lesson 12: Comparison is a Bitch

  • 14

    Focus on Us: Part Six

    • Lesson 13: Feeling All Alone

  • 15

    Focus on Us: Part Seven

    • Lesson 14: My Challenge Explained

    • Lesson 15: Changing Your Perception of Sexy Time & Three Must-Do's

  • 16

    Focus on You: Part Seven

    • Lesson 16: Your Beautiful Body

  • 17

    Focus on Us: Part Eight

    • Lesson 17: Design YOUR Challenge

    • Lesson 18: Common Libido Busters & Remedies

  • 18

    Focus on You: Part Eight

    • Lesson 19: Allow More Enjoyment & The Better You Feel, The Better You Everything

Take the 30-Day Goddess Challenge - recharge your marriage, recharge your life

Grab your spot today!!

A Note from Stephanie

I've been happily married for 17 years and counting, together for 19 years. It's been cool to see how our relationship evolved as we became parents of one child, then two, and eventually three children. Each phase has required different versions of each of us and of us as a couple.

For a little over the first half of my marriage, I wasn't good at taking care of my well-being because well, I was a mom and didn't think I had time. I put my kids above everyone and everything, including my mental health. As a result, I didn't have anything left to give to anyone else.

I knew something had to change. My solution was to reconnect with myself and start my healing journey. I was able to find the much-needed relief I was looking for which has led to lasting change in my life.

Using this first-hand experience, I have helped clients and friends to better understand their significant others, improving communication, working through issues, and rekindling the connection between them.

All of this is rooted in a focus on self, identifying, and healing underlying hurts. Much of what I share is explained in my book, Embrace the Beautiful Chaos of Motherhood.

The whole first part focuses on reconnecting with yourself amid the chaos of motherhood.

The second part of the book is dedicated to reconnecting with your significant other amid the chaos. This course was inspired by my book as I wanted to interact with the readers and provide a more hands-on approach to the lessons.

Are you interested in a change like this for yourself, getting back on your to-do list and stepping back into your power? I'd LOVE to have you in my program and walk this part of your journey together.

You got this, mama!


Stephanie Pereira

Clients' Befores & Afters

  • Before

    Lack of self-love
    Lack of connection
    Irritability/often fighting
    Escapism (food, social media, tv, shopping, etc)
    Sad/missing significant other
    Not sure how you got "here"
    Low sex drive
    Limiting mindset

  • After

    Love & compassion
    Connection with self & spouse
    Calm, balanced
    More present
    Enjoying significant other every day
    Appreciative of your "here"
    Healthy, vibrant
    Grounded and balanced
    Free to enjoy self
    Abundant mindset

What My Clients Have To Say

Helped me tap into my inner goddess!

Julia, mom of 2 & married for 5 years

“The 30-day Goddess Challenge was just what I needed. Stephanie gave us some powerful tools, starting on Day 1, with a call to be gentle on ourselves. It's a simple thing, not always easy to do, but super impactful when practiced.

She had some great exercises for releasing thoughts and changing mindsets that just cleaned out my stuck emotions and really empowered me to take control of myself, and which paved the way for me to reveal my inner goddess.

Stephanie also brought so much intention to her daily lessons--she shared openly and honestly, from her own experience, from friends and clients she's worked with, and from her book. She's the queen of affirmations and her commitment to and passion for them lit my fire and helped me establish them in my life. Using them daily has been a game-changer in terms of handling life's challenges with grace.

She inspired me and guided me to develop a challenge that would help me tap into my inner goddess and use that energy and confidence to connect with my husband on a deeper level. And it's definitely working. My husband and I have been on a roller coaster ride over the past year and Stephanie's guidance has really helped me embrace the vulnerability that is required for deep love, appreciation, and passion.”

An Eye-Opening Experience

Polly, mom of 4 & married 10 years

“Hearing my husband tell me that he thought I’m a great mom but not a good wife crushed me. I didn’t realize how much I had neglected our marriage in the day to day chaos of parenthood.

We have four kids and had slowly drifted apart this year especially with all of the additional craziness during the global pandemic.

It was never my intention to make him feel forgotten or unloved, but in my struggle to keep up with the to-do’s, days came and went without our marriage getting much attention.

Working with Stephanie has been an eye-opening experience. I love how she explains things in an easy and unique way. She is easy to relate to and her insights have helped me change my approach toward my marriage.”

Course and Bonuses

Let's get started – will you join us?

Sign up and get started today!

Additional bonuses include:
  • Variety of exercises and mantras to accompany each lesson

  • Monthly video calls & access to private FB group for continuous support

  • Guided meditations and practices to bring in more peace and stillness amid the craziness of motherhood

  • Printable PDF affirmation cards customized to each lesson

  • Access to special discounts and additional surprise bonuses

Get The Sexy Back in Your Marriage

Join us now and reconnect with your partner and tap into your inner badass goddess self!